Booking Information

Why Book an Exhibition with Curatorial Exhibitions?
Bringing a dynamic program by booking an exhibition with Curatorial Exhibitions not only attracts new audiences, but also draws occasional visitors and members back to your institution.

Scheduling Exhibitions
Contact Curatorial Exhibitions to obtain schedules or additional information about your exhibition choices. When presentation dates have been selected, we will send you an exhibition booking agreement. Once both parties have signed this contract, the booking will be secured by your venue. While potential lenders will have been contacted regarding the availability of works, final loan approval may be contingent upon approval of a venue’s facilities report and final tour itinerary.

Participation Fee
A deposit of 50% of the fee is payable upon signing this Agreement and should be returned with it. Final payment of 50% shall be made upon the exhibition’s opening date and will be billed by Curatorial Exhibitions.

Space Requirements
The estimates given for linear feet are twice the total horizontal measurement of all works, frame to frame, and to represent the average wall space required to hang the exhibition. Since exhibition information is often printed in advance, actual space requirements may vary slightly by the time the exhibition travels.

Exhibitions are insured during the transit to and from each venue under our fine arts policy. In most cases, exhibitors are required to insure the exhibition while it is in their possession. Some exhibitions are covered at the venue by Curatorial Exhibitions under a “wall to wall” fine arts policy and may have an insurance fee.

Exhibition Signage
Curatorial Exhibitions provides designed and typeset finished text panels and item labels suitable for use with each exhibition. Didactics are also available as digital files for fabrication by the individual museums if requested.

Registration / Preparation
Condition reports accompany all exhibitions, and incoming and outgoing reports are required of all exhibitors. Installation and handling instructions accompany exhibitions when necessary.

Transportation and Shipping
Curatorial Exhibitions makes all shipping arrangements for its traveling exhibitions. These arrangements are made one to two months prior to the opening of the exhibition. The majority of exhibitions require that the exhibitor pay a prorated transportation fee, which allows each exhibitor to pay an equal amount of the domestic transportation costs for the entire tour. Exhibitors in Alaska, Hawaii, and foreign countries are responsible for incoming shipping costs plus outgoing costs to a mutually agreed-upon point in the continental United States.

Once booked, we provide a press package that includes a sample press release, publicity photographs, and, when available, clippings of other press materials generated by the exhibition.

Exhibiting institutions are required to credit Curatorial Exhibitions and participating curators, lending institutions or sponsors at the entrance to the exhibition and on all public announcements, press releases, invitations, posters, signs, and other promotional materials in the manner specified in the exhibition loan agreement.

Educational Materials
Curatorial Exhibitions will provide exhibitors a copy and ordering instructions for accompanying publications. Educational packets are provided when available, and may include images, bibliography, filmography, and programming suggestions for the exhibition. We will also serve as a point of contact between exhibitors and artists or curators who may be available for lectures.

Depending on the conditions of the exhibition, the exhibiting venue facility report must reflect ability to perform one the following:

Limited Security – All artworks must be hung in a stable environment away from direct sunlight, heating devices, contact with excessive moisture, or any other potentially damaging condition. A fire alarm system is required in all exhibition spaces. Security requirements are a single-use locked space with guard or attendant on duty during the hours the exhibition is open to the public. The exhibition space must be locked and secured during closed hours.

Moderate Security – Temperature, humidity, and light controls are required in the exhibition space. The exhibition space must have limited access. Guard or other trained personnel are required to be on duty during the hours the exhibition is open to the public. An electronic alarm system or security guard is required when the exhibition is closed to the public.

High Security – Temperature, light and humidity controls must meet the specific requirements of each exhibition and must be monitored at all times. A limited-access exhibition space of sufficient area to accommodate the exhibition is required, as are adequate storage and staging areas. Trained, professional guards are required in sufficient numbers to protect the artworks. An appropriate security hanging system, stanchions, rails, platforms, electronic devices, and/or guard supervision must be used to protect non-enclosed objects.

Once an exhibiting venue signs the exhibition rental booking agreement, the exhibition period is reserved exclusively or them. If a renting venue has to cancel an exhibition booking it has contracted, then it is obligated to pay a minimum cancellation fee of 10% of the participation fee. A cancellation fee of 30% of the participation fee is payable to Curatorial Exhibitions if the Exhibitor cancels this Agreement within 365 or more days prior to the scheduled opening date. If the Exhibitor cancels this Agreement within 365 days before the scheduled opening date, the entire participation fee is payable unless Curatorial Exhibitions can place the exhibition with another venue for the same booking period.